Do they come with suggested stat spreads? (It was me it was one of my players from my one shot group who noticed it before we started) But as the person who intended to run it, I don't know what type of net total a person should have. (I can probably fake it but I should probably ask)
Sorry but not, as a game master you decide/improvise the character stats. In general, I'd suggest you start by thinking the possessed NPC strengths. For instance, a monk or a priest might have more spirit because of their practices, or a samurai could have a higher physical bonus due to their martial discipline. Once you've pinpointed that strength, give them a +2 bonus an the rest of it a +1 ,0 or even -1 , but, of course, talk with the players at the table if something doesn't quite fit with the character.
I'd also recommend asking questions or letting the players answer them, such as, "Why is this person here?" or ""What did this person lose when they were possessed?" an d once they're possessed, you can ask the players for more details about the possessed individual. Remember, they have access not only the body but to their mind and spirit to(And it could be a good opportunity for a Will stat check). Take note of the players' ideas and proposals and collectively decide what works best to enhance the fiction. I hope these tips help you run the game smoothly, and, of course, give me the scoop on how it all went!
So we completed the game. I can hand you the full character sheets if you want either here or in DMs.
Impressions of the game:
Overall I like the structure it encouraged me to lean into and I think it accomplished the story it was trying to tell. Solid One shot option at least for the group I have. I try to run things as close to the intention as possible it seems like it wasn't trying to define much more then structure of cursed blades grappling with strength of redemption over revenge. Maybe I am totally off base on that though.
a minor editing note: It says they start with 6 Penitence and if you accumulate 4 more you "lose your desire for vengeance and embrace the light of Amaterasu, ascending to Yomi, the celestial realm." is that supposed to happen immediately? And the character sheet only has the 4 marks so the initial 6s significance seems meaningless unless I am missing something or they should detail that. (Yes I am once again asking for more detail then the game needs)
Brief Summary of the specific of our game if its useful for you from the GMs perspective:
We started with some a lot of failed rolls and that lead to them starting on some virtuous impressions that influenced later decisions. It also meant they spent most of their time in Chapter 1. As a sidenote I do not think I prompted them to give me enough backstory on their hosts because they started with clear impressions and intentions of what to do before those went sideways.
They all ended up going into chapter 2 as some form of low class criminal who still taught them some odd virtue, so when they arrived at the estate and found the family sick they were primed to be more worried about helping with that then getting revenge on hurt induvial, even if the redemption started as: "Its not a victory to strike down the sick" they collective decided they were close enough that the process of tending would have pushed them over to leaving revenge alone at least for the most part.
If you have questions feel free to ask.
Hey Kavoir, thanks for the feedback!. I'll fix the Penitence thing; it should say "You start with 4 penitence points." As for the decision on whether they ascend immediately, that's up to you. When I designed it, I always thought it would be instantaneous, but I don't see why you couldn't delay it for a moment that might have a bigger impact on the story. And yeah, I'd love for you to send me the character sheets. Just shoot me an email at