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Regret making it an html game.... rather than downloadable  windows only

(1 edit)

Oh why is that? I heard from a lot of devs (and we felt this way as well) that browser based games had a huge advantage in accessibility and therefore getting played.

Edit: Oh huh did you mean the opposite? Because your game is a windows executable.

1. People don't like to download more than 100 mb game.

2. People don;t like to extract the file...

3. People don;t like to waste time in above two...

4. People are in hurry to move on to the next game... 

5. If its a dev they need to reply there notifications... hence there is a small window of it...

6. Window game is susceptible to player's system requirements. Hence, for some it will work..for some it will not...hence, after going through 1-5 if it didn't work then gonna receive bad or no ratting at all...

7. People can easily share it on Facebook or twitter community to get more eyes and get more ratting. 


reply to your edit: my bad punctuation actually reverse the meaning i wish to convey.... 

I meant that i regret that why didn't i opted for html rather than windows exe

Ah yes that is what we were thinking as well. Thanks for the in depth reply!
I'll go play your game now :)