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With this set up, you can stop everything without dodging at all :

The queens shadows have a range of 6 max, I completely wall off the entire game area with teeth and just leave one tiny entrance with lots of skulls + crown upgrade. The queens shadows materialize out of my main area :

So basically I go on the right, do nothing and everything die. Then as usual the game crash at about 4K.

I love this game ! Keep at it :)

Dude youre actually cracked its so cool seeing stuff like this

Good idea. I tested some juking tactics but ultimately lagging is the biggest problem. I feel like it got a little bit better after the patch though. The downloaded version runs smoother but the highscores dont work there :(

Anyway a great game. I hope you keep it up!

The highscores in the download version don't work for you? I can't replicate that on my end... Do the scores not show up at all, or is just the upload of new scores not working for you? I am aware that the score won't apply if the game crashes: Maybe I should send it more often than just when the player dies.

I did one run with the performance patch but without the hotfix where i reached ~3000 and died. It didnt register in the highscore.

Sending more often sounds like a good idea ;)