Thanks! I have a REAL BIG GAME coming out soon too, when it's out I would like you to try it! Thanks! :D
hi dark
its me, robbie
not that you would have forgotten me :)
Yeah dont worry the game should be out this month so be ready :)
ok buddy :)
hi dark. its me, robbie,
your friend
Whats up? why are you messaging?
idk, just wanted to see how my friend is doing
Ok well today is my B-Day, today I am gonna finish the Eyestalk Reincarnated! hopefully :)
happy bday
I didnt finish my game but I can finish it today :'D
Woo! Sounds great :D looking forward to it.
Thanks, I am currently working on it, I just have um 6 different animations to make and its taking about 2 a day :')