One of the best games i’ve ever played on itch! The level design is super cool, feels like you just went ham in the tilemap editor which is good because its creative. It reminded me of Diminish but maybe I’m just drawing random ties to stuff I like. The backgrounds, ho-ly, the assets look so good with the parallax and everything! Tilesets are super hard to draw.
Those lighting changes are really smooth, “There’s a day night cycle?!” It’s really unique, I’ve seen it before in Hollow knight and it super shocked me here. I think that the lighting cements the player into the world really well. The animations mixed with the speed you run at is just fun to control.
This is a super great section that I liked because it has a feeling of risk that only the ledge grabbing system can give.
Anyways, cool game! I’d love to play any other thing you’ve made