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When is next update coming….I play this game a years ago on free version and i miss this game…How much to pay for cheat code…did $10 is enough?…and how i need to pay?…

It's still free and always will be. The game has massively improved over the last few years a ton of new content. The new update is still quite far away since it's going to be biggest of them all.

If you would like to support the game, it can be done here:

Did $10 membership is good idea…What reward i can get…

That's listed on the link above. Nothing game breaking though, just some small extra's as a thank you for the support.

I was try to subscribe using $10 but my card was declined…I dont know why…i was used on patreon and itchio to buy another game…its okay and nothing happen…This is first time i cannot make payment with my card…sorry

Yeah, it can be clunky I guess. Thanks for trying though and have a good day!