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I'll try my best to field these points again!

  • The customisation is a good idea, and is something I'd like to implement. It's something I am going to look into, but unfortunately I'm just one person making this, and though I'd love to work with other people, nobody seems interested in helping, so I've got to balance features with time and ability. Hopefully this is one of those things that is actually pretty easy, it *should* just be tweaking and saving stats, but it could be a massive pain. Though looking at the Items DataTable which has the stat modifiers for items, there doesn't actually seem to be anything in there, so not sure whats going on there. I'll explore it!
  • So, mouse-wiggle is a bit of a deceptive description. The way it works is just through cursor movement, so each game tick it tracks where the cursor is now, and where it was last to generate a distance moved and apply that as an increment on the struggle counter. In theory, it should work with any system that moves the cursor. Maybe I should add a game setting so players can choose wiggle, arrows or hammer E. The idea was to have it so if the cursor moved to the left of the screen, the character would wriggle left, and vice versa to make it more interactive.
  • With the Wolves, the way I saw it was that there are 20 in the game each time you play. They are faster, more intelligent and stronger than the other enemies you encounter, so each one is basically a mini-boss. At the moment, they are pretty much the same as the other species, though they do have boosted stats. They are the main enemy, just not the most common ones. Your point still stands though, the items are doable, and are on my list.
  • The stuff about karma and consequences is sort of something I was planning, though I was on a much more basic level. Things like wolves doing different things based on basic stats like aggression, horniness etc, so the aggressive ones are more likely to fight you than capture you. Those stats could then be modified through the game, so if you harm one of them, he'll remember it and is more likely to either be aggressive next time, or potentially hold a grudge and target you over other legitimate victims. Likewise, when the interactive sex starts to work, if you get him off a bit too well, he's more likely to want to try that again. That system would then work for the competitors as well. Again, the viability of all this is down to coding ability on my part.
  • Transmogrification of items is potentially a difficult one. I'd need to look in to mesh morphs maybe. It's not feasible to model all potential combinations, so I'd need to do something where it can generate itself. It's a thing to think about.

To be honest, at the moment my main aim is to get something a bit more fun to play, and hopefully with a few more sex positions and functional main features. Unfortunately, this game is having to take a backseat to other life stuff, as I need to earn enough to live on before turning back to the game. I'm working on ways to make this more sustainable, and in future I would love to work with other people on both this and other potential games, but for now it's just a case of getting what I can done on my own! The suggestions and feedback are genuinely good, even with a lack of resources, I still want to make this as good as I can, and just because I don't know how I'd achieve some things ow, doesn't mean I can't learn them.

The game you see now is about a years worth of work so far, with the first main chunk being pretty much fulltime for 6 months, which shows how long of a process this stuff is!