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Hey, awesome game! I'm actually planning on running this /as/ a BBS door. :) I have it working somewhat already. May I submit a few feature requests that would really help this run well as a door?

1. Ability to set username at runtime either by -n"User Name" or by looking at a line in a file like door.sys and remove all password logic (i.e., BBS launches door with username as argument and game only allows player to be that user)

2. Force users to enter passwords when creating a character, if 1 above won't work?

3. Detect tty size and display relevant "pause" prompt? I.e., BBSes are typically 80x24. When I tried playing in this screenmode, a lot of text went off the top of my screen. 80 chars wide seems fine but the 24 char y axis is where the problem was.

Thanks! Awesome game.

Thanks, and awesome! 😊 

1 & 2 are already there, as of the latest version, thanks to another sysop who messaged me. We ended up settling on the option to run the game with --force-alias.

You can turn on or off forced password entry too, if you STILL want that. (A useful feature if, say, people still get command-line access - you may not want someone with terminal access realising they can log in as another user as they please.)

More details are in the sysop's guide.

If there's any issues with them, please let me know!

(3) is on my to-do list. Right now you can manually set a wide screen width for word wrapping, but it doesn't grab your screen dimensions from termcap yet as I found it... didn't work on a lot of systems. (And of course text ANYTHING barely works on Windows but... this is one of the few games where I guess Windows is by default a second-class citizen.)

Hi Elissa, thanks for your reply! I actually realized shortly after typing this up that 1 & 2 were already done and documented ;) However, when I try to run with -a or —force-alias I keep getting segfaults. I’m not at my computer at the moment so I owe you actual logs, which I will provide later.

As far as term size, what about an interim solution of hardcoding it with a config setting? It would be great to have a pause prompt at 24 lines just like in the old BBS days!

Unfortunately that's not a trivial thing to do, or I'd probably have done it already. When I re-write the way the text code works I'll be doing term size and pause breaks, but for now that's a little ways off.

Please let me know what the segfaults show though, if you can! I just re-tested --force-alias does have a bug I found and fixed, but... it doesn't cause a crash? I will put up version 1.0.3 today with that fix (and a few others). If that still causes issues, please let me know!

Oh and for support things feel free to email me - the link is on the web site. Easier for sending crash dumps, info about the server setup, etc.

Oh! And one more note - the sysop guide is not just on the web site, but in the /errata directory in each copy of the game, so when new versions come out, you can find the latest docs there at all times.