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please make some way to move save files or export them somehow to move to pc, or load from file

Not sure what you're asking for, but you can check the readme for save file locations

yknow the game trials in tainted space by fenoxo? They have this method of saving to and loading from a file that isnt restricted by android being a bunch a shitheads

Unfortunately, I'm not sure there's any way to do that with the engine I'm using, sorry.

dang, can you make it so u can edit stats during a save, I beat the whole story once, then got to the 100k part with the slave auction and decided to just do new game plus 

Nah, I'd rather people not jump straight to cheats to overcome the obstacles in the game, hence why you need to start a new game plus to change everything

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80k is an insane amount my guy,  you'd have to make like 40 trips (no modifiers) back and forth between the fight club just to buy and free a slave to progress a story path, make an event that helps you make a ton of money, or lower it yeah?

You're not meant to have that much at that point. That amount is more to show how much a slave costs rather than actually be something the player can afford

and yet theres a path for sucessfuly buying her and letting her go, where all the other slaves are just "oops ya missed it" this one can be actually bought, and wdym by that point? Isnt there no time limit, what would stop some weirdo from going to the fight club 40 times to make the 80k

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To transfer saves between PCs:

1) Open the save location on the old machine. Copy the saves onto an external device. Take note of what file number they are under. Save 1 is the auto-save and can be ignored.

2) Launch the game on the new machine. Make a character and save the game in all the same save file numbers from the old machine. The character name, stats, items etc. from these saves do not matter, since you won't be keeping them anyway.

3) Open the save location on the new machine. Select and delete every save in there (Save 1 can be ignored again). Open your external device and copy the old saves over.

Assuming everything was done in order, next time you launch the game from the new machine, your old saves will be playable.

I am not on pc, and my issue is with ACCESSING the save file location

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Do you wanna root your phone?


Then you can't reach them.

That or I'm mixing this game with another game.