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Hi, thanks for playing!  I really appreciate it and appreciate your thorough write-up! ๐Ÿ˜

I definitely agree with qLinearize; there's a lot of room to make it less strict, more user friendly and generally more responsive in notifying what was wrong with an input while still controlling the pace of the game; I tried to hint at the format through the placeholder text that the text boxes prefill with, but yeah mostly a time constraint.  If I were to do it again, I'd spend more time on the tools side which came in late.  I'm glad that you were still able to get through it!

I agree with the pacing on the story... I had the main plot points that I was working towards, but I didn't really know how to build the earlier beats to get there, how to spread it out more evenly or how to include the other characters in the story... it was also an interesting challenge to have a story still be ambiguous with half the conversation, so that when qLinearize got through it, it would still be a decent reveal.  I hope that came across!

Again, thanks for the thoughtful feedback and kind words... it means a lot!  AND I'm glad acidjazzed evening was pointed out on the first review.  ๐Ÿ˜Œ