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- Generally speaking, you never want a player to be more than a few seconds from making an interesting choice or shifting their attention to a new game element.  Even in a visual novel, where there's plotted fiction unfolding to pay attention to, you don't want to go more than maybe 40 seconds without offering the player at least the impression of a choice. Starting with 302+ clicks to make the first change, which just ups the click return, without any secondary gameplay elements, is a killer.

- Scaling in idles and clickers tends to be something like "Press the Button, gain resources at the speed you were plus one.  Also, the cost of Pressing the Button again goes up by the power of 1.17".  What you've got here is a tripling of expenses each time, which is incredibly fast cost progression - it's times three to the power of two, as is.  Again, a killer when coupled with the lack of secondary gameplay elements to focus on.  If there were another co-running game that reduced the upgrade requirement cost, or also upped the click return, or whatever, then ~maybe~ a tripling of costs might work.

- The player's displayed money need to be adjusted when they make a purchase, not just when they make a sale.  If I spend $270 of my $300 on an upgrade, it'll still show me as having $300 until the next time I make a sale, at which point it corrects to $30 + (Sale amount)

- As noted by ikegotti, having employees kills the manual 'create snapback' button.

- Is there ever a reason not to sell your entire inventory?  Why does the bulk sale option require quantitative adjusting if the player is never going to not sell everything?

- Fundamentally, the gameplay loop is "Click a single button A LOT, then click another two buttons, then repeat again on a longer cycle.  Eventually hire employees and replace clicking that single button with waiting."  You need some choices or strategic depth or particle effects or something to push this beyond the entertainment value of watching a leaky faucet slowly fill up a drinking glass.

I "Activate(d) Bonus".  It changes the button to indicate that the Bonus is Activated.  That's good, I guess?  I'm not seeing additional options, or a change in production, or anything that might indicate what this "click five thousand times to access" button actually did.