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(2 edits) (+1)

I agree with everything, but want pinpoint 1 moment - Aqua is actually useful. My first thought on her was to simply make her heal darkness with upgrades "overheal/regen/1.5x heal", but that can pretty much be replaced by anyone using items.
However, what can't be replaced, is her ability to cure death. With her, being the most important part of the team, I managed to defeat this wicked library demon. Yes, she can inflict deathcurse and sometimes deals triple the damage of HP my Aqua and Yunyun have. But that does literally nothing, since I used her healing with upgrades "mass/cleanse/deathblock". The deathblock allows to the person healed survive 1 mortal attack with 1 hp during next 2 turns. And, since I chouse the mass healing, it means that I simply have to spam her healing every turn, and no one will die.

I got party of Kazuma, Aqua, Yunyun and Darkness. Kazuma and Yunyun spam their skills, Aqua spams healing, precuring everyone's death, and Darkness is simply there so use items on everyone.

So, again, it is not that Aqua is useful. It's just that you didnt meet yet your own library demon. 

Hope it helped) Gave me 4 more skillpoints, or, rather, skillstones.

Anyway, on the point of no skill upgrades for many characters, I also wanted to write out of my ideas of what skill upgrades there could be, and didnt want to make a separate comment for that. So, with words "I agree with the person above", here I go.

Btw, I will usually give upgrades in pairs, like with healing it is mass healing or overheal on one.

Kazuma: Steal. 

1)Steal Buffs / Steal Break

Using steal can either steal one or all buffs on the enemy, or inflict 1 shieldbreak (first one sounds like a good idea for the whole "stealing" idea, and the second is here since with his "snipe" talent he is good at breaking shields down, so it could be his specialization, especially with him wielding 3 different weapons and I doubt there wont be more)

2) Quick steal / Item steal

Using steal can either be used once per turn without ending it, or using it can get some items from enemies (or, who knows, panties from partymember :3 ). Kinda bruh, but the panties-part could make it worthwhile

Aqua: Blessing

1)Lingering Blessing / Cleansing Blessing

Using Blessing can either leave a longer buff, +1-2 turns, or it can cleanse the target from all debuffs and protect the target from any debuff untill blessing ends. (using a blessing for a buff that only lasts 2 turns is kinda bruh to me, since it is not even that strong, whether the "strong" buff on 1 person or weak on all team. So, this upgrade can encourage to either go to a strong blessing on 1 person for 3-4 turns, which is better than 2, or a 2-turn protection from debuffs on all team with small buff as well)

Darkness: Bolster Ranks

1)Crusader's Oath / Healthy body, healthy mind (dunno how to name it)

Using the skill either lasts for 1-2 more turns, or it also inflicts a separate buff on darkness herself. This buff adds her physical protection to all kinds of elemental protection. (I actually dont really know if the "protection" thing is separate for all elements, but I'd expect a tank to be tanky to physical attacks and weaker to elemental ones. but I dont know how the game calculates it, and am to lazy to make a research on it) no more ideas on this skill, since this is Darkness in question, it's hard to give ideas considering her character

Darkness: Intimidate

1)Focused Intimidate / Whiny Intimidate

Intimidate either leaves a stronger debuff on 1 enemy, or leaves a weaker debuff on whole enemy teams while also making Darkness Marked. (either she makes all-out intimidation on 1 enemy, or makes "whiny" intimidation that debuffs everyone it hears it (albeit weaker) and makes those "everyone" want to target her). 

(frankly, I think the intimidation should have a built in mechanic that all enemies, that have the intimidation debuff from Darkness, want to attack specifically her while the debuff lasts. It is a important part of her kit, and it fells weird to leave this crucial and expected part of her kit in only 1 upgrade. dunno, feels like something that should be there by default)

2)Shameless Intimidate / Humiliating Intimidate

Intimidate's debuff either also lowers enemies protection (lame and expected), or prevents enemy's buffs to function while debuff is on (new and chad option)

Thought about ideas for Yunyun, but she has simple elemental spells, it is something easy to upgrade, given how many different games tried to do something like this. Although I think it could be curious into making each of her spell descend into 1 of 2 main results

Blade of wind should either be a new AoE attack and become a way to dispose of many small enemies, or should be able to ignore some targets protection and become a one-target spell against tanky enemies

Crystal Prison should either leave a speed debuff (or even a whole stun, considering it's name) with less damage, or (a special mechanic that I got just now) leave a special debuff that will multiply next incoming attack by some amount (as if the spell engulfed the target in ice and the incoming attack deals more damage by "breaking" the ice)

And the Light of Saber could either change into a spell with extra crit-chance, becoming a way to confidently break all enemy-teams shields, or ... okay, I dunno what else since it is hard to imagine where to change it into. It is already on pair with megumin's explosion in my opinion.

Well, hope these ideas were useful. I tried to give somewhat sudden and unexpected ideas. Good luck with developing the game!