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(2 edits)

Thanks, we understand the confusion. We could’ve really phrased it better.

For your questions, you will refer to these two page:

  1. Blessed Union (pg. 117)
  2. Blessing Ritual (pg. 118)

Blessed Union is really split into two outcome:

  1. Whether the Goddess found the goals to be satisfying, or not.
  2. When it is satisfied it will proceed to the Blessing Ritual (pg. 118): Means either Success or Critical Success.

So, say you’ve got 12 scores + 7 (because it is all 7 goal connected to your “Why”) for a total Goal Score of 19 (Yes, it’s for the Ritual). Here’s what you will do:

  1. Go to the Blessed Union and perform Fate Step: Assume it’s a normal success. You gain a +1 Bonus to your Goals Score.
  2. Total Goal score now is 20.
  • *Critical Success is means you get a higher chance by adding +2 Bonus to Goal Score.
  • *Plot Twist is a failure + extra step.
  1. Since it is a success, the Goddess gives a thumbs-up and summons all the spirits to perform the Blessing Ritual. (Head to page. 118)
  2. During the Blessing Ritual, head to the Ability Oracle to buy an Ability (the cost is Divine Favor). You obtain Divine Favor by Nurturing Divine Favor from the Goddess (pg. 116). It’s similar to building a relationship with other residence.
  3. You can improve your chances to gain the Blessing by sacrificing an item.

For the Blessing’s Fate Step (pg. 118):

  • Critical Failure: You gain a Divine Item. Head to the Divine Item Oracle, draw a card and you obtain that item.
  • Plot Twist, you can gain +5 Divine Favor, Gain a Divine Item, or You gain a Clock Power-up for one day, You gain the ability that you seek
  • Success: You don’t get anything but you gain a higher chance when performing a Blessing Ritual in the future with a +/- 1. This means you can add or reduce the Fate Step value by 1. (Add this to your sheet)
  • Failure: You failed and lost everything.
  • Critical Failure: Similar to failure but you spend more time. Additional +1 TS at the end of the ritual.

How do you use the Goal Scores? I think this is not phrase properly of was just too small a text. It’s mentioned here: “The +/- allows you to add or deduct the number of the Fate Card during the Fate Step, specifically for the Blessed Union: Blessing.” in page 117.

  • What this means is that the Goal Score = Bonus Score. Means you can add or deduct the Fate Step’s value according to your Goal Score’s value. In this case you have 20.

Let’s say you draw a 2 (Low Base) and K (High Base). You Fate Draw is A. You need at least +3 to be successful, and +14 to be Critical Success. You can deduct like this: 20-3= Success or 20-14=Critical Success.

Otherwise, it is a Failure.

But +/- means you can deduct or increase, lets say you wanted a Plot Twist instead of a Critical Failure. Then you just use your Goal Score and reduce the Fate Step Value from Critical to Plot Twist.

There is no remaining Goal Score. Once this goal sheet is used, you start with a new goal sheet.

If you have a negative Goal Score, the Bonus will be negative. E.g: Fate Step Value - 20.