At least they were polite xD Hahah.
Jokes aside, (again) your game is good as hell! Visuals are just on point for the aesthetic and while the puzzles are straight forward the additional small minigames made it into an active play through (played it twice just to be sure I didn't miss anything). And are top notch, really loved the pics you can find! But let's be real, the sound design here is highlight. Clicks and clacks, the rain and other ambience, just perfect mood. I doubt I need to repeat myself too much, good work, I only wished I could play more! :D And that notepad worked like the other windows in the computer hehe.
As a after though, some bugs I'm sure someone else might also note: I had a problem quitting the game after the ending, and going back to watch horror movies will cause the "Interweb" application to be stuck (as well as repeating the sound effects from the first time). But none of those hindered my experience ^^