This game was certainly something. It was very good overall and I loved all the endings. It was a very cool concept too. I wish there was even more to it, or even a sequel (from Vince's point of view when he grows up, during halloween maybe, for a change?) XD
First I went through Jake's route, truly such a cutie and kind guy. Then Landice's route, shy yet very protective. Then Daniel's very nice backstory, and Gabriel's too.
I played through them all again to get the 'secret' endings. It was actually really fun to play it again just to get that little bit more of the story. For a minute I thought you would leave it with an 'Imagine the rest yourself' kind of ending. I, for one hate those. I'm glad I played it and I am waiting for more!
(For a fact, I wasn't here since 2013 and I only just discovered this game a couple of weeks ago but I would wait for this type of game, long or short, those 3 years. As long as the developers do what they enjoy and share their creations with their 'fans' I think it's worth as long as it takes).