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yeah i'm aware the game's mechanics need a better introduction overall, will tackle that in a later update

more characters are definitely planned btw, the game will be overall team based, not just luffy.

ill recontextualize some fights to be group stuff too, for example in orange town, instead of a fight between luffy and mohji, then zoro vs cabaji and then luffy vs buggy, ill condense all that into one fight with zoro + luffy against the 3

same for syrup village, usopp + zoro + luffy vs kuro + jango + sham + buchi

nami won't appear in fights until arabasta, without her weather weapon she doesnt do much, so i think its better to leave her out for now

will you be adding optional bosses from the tv specials and movies like Captain Joke and Ganzack? love your style.

I dont think so, just adding the cannon ones is already being a lot of work so I'll stick to that for now, maybe in the future if I end up watching the movies