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Yes, so anyone wanting soul orb can just beat one opponent and get the code.

Wendy was always going to replace Luna but it was suppose to happened after you complete Rose's quest. Originally you were suppose to beat her in poker game which will make her appear on Mayscape apartment level. She would task you with getting the letter you find in the asylum safe. After that an NPC would appear on Sunflower streets giving you more info on what she is looking for. After that she would leave a note behind with passcode to the which has soul orb.

The tall lady is one of my favorite characters I have created. As I've said, I have already planned Wendy being Ted's wife in future. You will also appear as cameo in a quest in Magic Ring.

Those who have problem with NTR content and decided to voice their opinion in that way only have made me cut a lot of content such as Rose's quest, Melanie as recruit, Luna's animations after you replace her, Ruth's doll as Wendy's vessel and parody porn website.


this is your story and your game no one else has the right to tell you whats right and whats wrong NTR or not im till going to keep playing, thx for all of your hard work


Don't listen to anyone, do as you want. It’s only the offended who react to NTR this way.🙃  After all, it’s really just a game, not real life... I don’t understand such people...

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You can't satisfy everyone. Today they don't like one thing, tomorrow another, it'll be endless, as everyone wants to see their own perfect game. Nor fan or hater of NTR, but I surely like how it make characters in your game unpredictable in their action, while their interacting between each others, as well as characters background and some mort of character development through the game.

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I havn't stood still at all with the NTR thing, I've been more busy enjoying some ghost Pussy/ass to the point I kind of forget Luna
Wendy so far has the better poses  and more appeal to me. Only in hentai doujin where NTR really hammers on said person who gets NTRed I don't like it but in Lustful Spirit I find it barely  note worthy.

As others have said it's your game, make it how you want it, Main thing you should listen/read are bug feedback.
I rather have a game that works/functions proper than starting a fight over the contents. People need to learn to ignore things they dont like or just take the loss and still try to enjoy it best you can.

I am glad to know that the majority of us present have a completely stable perception of reality =v. So my dear LAGS, take a break, develop the game your way and don't forget that you have people who support you ;D. And dear non-toxic player, do not forget to support the development of the game with your positive comments/constructive criticism.  PS: Team Wendy forever >=D