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So on a scale of 1-10 assuming you reach your max funding desired to fully realize your project how linear is the plot? 10 being complete railroad 0 being, well i dunno what to call 0.

Hello, thank you for your comment.

I'd like to clarify that the funding acquired will not affect the game's main storyline. The primary goal of this funding is to enhance visual aspects, such as the game's art, and to expedite the overall development process.

Regarding the linearity of the story, we are planning a saga where the linearity will decrease progressively with each subsequent game. In the first game, "Anime Odyssey", I would rate the linearity around 6-7. This is because, while there are specific events that drive the narrative, the player has the freedom to postpone the storyline's progression and choose how events unfold in each "arc". Furthermore, the choices made will influence the events of the following arcs, allowing for a more personalized and dynamic experience.

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I noticed the anbu tier allows me to name a npc, can i put more input in that into the npc? If so i might be interested. I was thinking the npc be a skilled leader of a squad of elite anbu with the goal of him and his squad mainly being protecting Naruto which would help explain the sort of plothole why he didn't die to villagers and/or other shinobi who hate him for being the kyuubi at a young age. I can tell you the name and all that if you agree with it to begin with. I'd also like the whole squad to have chakra compression jutsu like this somehow for hiding and this for the purpose of not making a disturbance since they will be around Naruto alot and Anbu being present often can make a scene as well as uh thought its not really a jutsu more so its just training in being stealthy, other then that they could each have their independent skillsets.

Hi, thanks for the comment!

The Anbu tier allows you to name an already existing NPC—these are shop vendors or new ones coming in the next update.

 If you desire to have your own NPC inside the game, you can find information about that feature in our Patreon shop.

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Would i have to buy from the shop for the anbu squad leader and every member of his squad, or could i just buy it once? Maybe i could just have input on the anbu squad leader and you could design his 3 underlings however you want?

Each item for sale in our Patreon store corresponds to just one NPC.

 If the goal is to add characters to the game without related missions, this would be the ideal option. However, if you wish to include a secondary mission related to the desired character, it would have to be this way.

We are working on creating a Discord server to address all kinds of questions related to this and much more.

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I just signed up for anbu tier, i cant be sure i will stay subscribed to anbu tier for more then this one payment so unless its one npc named per payment don't worry about asking me to name an npc until ive stayed for at least four months, but i wanted to ask if you ever planned to add a cheat edition? Keeping up with training and making friends seems hard for me and i wanna do both. Also well the game inform me when i've reached my cap i can train to in a skill? The graphs are hard for me to read so that would be helpful.

Hello, thank you for supporting us on Patreon!

Regarding the NPC name, it can only be done once and not more than once per person to give other supporters the chance to name NPCs.

Yes, I will create a version with cheats that will be released in the next update.

Currently, it doesn't notify you when you've reached the maximum level in an ability, but I will add that in the next update.

While your doing that maybe you should also lock training an ability while at the max incase they forgot or at least give a toggleable message that says, "Training this way will give no further benefit, continue?"

Yeah, that will be done as well.