Thanks for the comment ! Any constructed feedback is really appreciated ;)
That is a conversation we had yesterday. And I disagree with you ^^
I think the design shouldn't be constrained by the theme. It can if you want, don't get me wrong, but it shouldn't by default. I mean our game wouldn't be as interesting with only one charge available, that is bad design in my opinion to constrain that just because of the "only one" theme.
To me I find it as beautiful and interesting to fit the theme and think everything as carefully as possible around it. And I think that is something we did with our game. Sure our base idea isn't original, a lot of game are one button game after all, even in this jam.
But I think we crafted a design around that constraint to make a deep and interesting game. You have a lot to do, to think about, you can make a strategy to do the best as you can. And all that around that one button design.
Find the most original stuff and constraint a lot your design or use the least original stuff but build as many things as you can around it are two sides of the same coin. And the two are a way of exploring the theme.