IIII think we are already-, Never exactly talked much, but we're mutual. l>
Yeeeep! :]
Oh hey, uh another quick question. Have you talked to "Her"? I know you probably don't care, but every time I see her she's....sad.
Absolutely not.
im going to fucking shoot you
Beep beep motherfucker
genuine question kill yoursel
Just don't have contact with her, grooming n such.
Oh, what happened to y'all? I wanted to know for so long, but she wouldn't tell me.
Well it's a littttle self-explanatory. After time not talking, growing up, andddd seeing how see talked sexually with me back when I was much younger and she was, I think 16 when we first spoke? Idk, She's def a fully blown adult by now. So, yeah.
She's only 18. Wait...how old are you? If you don't mind me asking heh.