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Encountered a bug where I became invincible. I haven't even gotten the shield upgrade; my end screen said "Power-ups Found: 4/5". There's also the slight inconvenience that dashing cancels the charge, though maybe it's intentional? Dashing through an elevator/teleporter retains the dash distance, which is kinda weird but doesn't affect the gameplay as much.

Other than that, solid game. Story was interesting, upgrades were well-placed, controls were very responsive (i could even gatling fire lol), designs are cool, environment may need some more going on but still not bad, bosses could be a bit harder tho.

Looking forward to more levels in the future :D


Thanks for the input! Any more details on how you became invincible? I totally agree about not much going on in the environment, 100%. I felt that this first level is quite a bit spread out so it seems empty-ish. Upcoming levels are a bit more compact. Dash and charge do need a bit more work and I may move the shield to later on in the game. As a teaser, upcoming planned biomes are: Lab, Factory, Forest, Mothership. Not necessarily in that order ;)

Apologies, but I can't quite remember how to recreate the bug. All I remember is it involved me spamming buttons. Perhaps dashing while gatling laser? I'm sorry but yeah. In any case, goodluck with developing the next levels.