Amazing. It's short, but I laughed hard at the bad choices and social faux paus, it's all so relatable! Thank you so much for making this. I've never played or even seen a game with an autistic character before, and the choices were so well done.
I haven't replayed it yet, but I really like the idea that you could do something wrong because you pick the choice you'd do , but then you get a 2nd chance after learning what the right path was! But also that sometimes the "wrong" path still works out for the best and maybe even brings you closer 💖 And it was so nice to get to see things from both perspectives too, normally it's just you figuring things out on your own. So that was fantastic.
[minor spoiler ahead if you haven't played yet :] And I teared up a it at some moments too, like realising how, of course she's a good actor, because of masking! Really beautiful and insightful into things that seem obvious in retrospect, in a really nice way. And when Hailey was like, "oh yeah I guess we don't need to say hello again" on the date, and she kind of got where Shana was coming from right away, love that so much