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Great stuff! Love the new miniboss and the new achievements/easter eggs. Is the crossing the lake via lamps currently achievable? Also wondering if the story has permanently changed slightly in that  Val has no memories of Paradise at all, or if that's just a demo thing


It is, yes. The story order has altered but will remain more or less the same, she'll relive the beginning sequence after beating the Lady of the Lake.


I see. Thanks!

(2 edits) (+1)

speaking of... where is lady of the lake, i did the lantern skip and the normal route and found nothing but walls. The lantern pogo was really fun though.


She's not in the demo yet, it's gonna be a more intense sequence that I'm still working on.


Looking forwards to remastered dragon robot guy and Lady of The Lake, both the OGs were really good fights that had a lot of further potential, I feel like Lady of the Lake needed a better ranged move, but was really good other than that.


Lady of the Lake will have some cool new mechanics that should be fun. I've already started that area.