Would you mind elaborating on the crafting? I'd like to hear what you dislike about it.
I mean, the system is alright as far as you can be able to craft just a bunch of things, but in the eventuality of having many more craftable items reminding all the recipes, crafting repetitive things or even managing the resources to craft complex things could become a little annoying.
Example, I don't know what your plans are but let's imagine that you'll be able to craft an house, made of walls, doors and roofs all made by wood, ropes and bark following a crafting sequence. Now, let's say you want to make a piece of roof, first you have to take the wood and attach the rope, then take another wood and attach another rope, then again, now attach some bark with a rope, you got a piece of roof, you want more? repeat, you want a wall? let's change the crafting sequence to something else but similar because the items are made of the same material. It will became annoying.
Imagine physically doing this for every pieces of construction, this considering that you have to take the items from the ground and so you could also take another item near the one you wanted just because it was there.
Also it's not so intuitive because things like the tool to remove the bark are quite difficult to create if you don't know the right sequence, and in a future state of game with more crafting recipes it would require a lot of trial and error just to craft this, and also none tells you that tool is useful for bark, so maybe in early game someone could build it without realizing it was actually the right item and will proceed to dismantle it to try to create something more common, like an axe.
I don't know if it's clear to understand, english is not my main language so I tried my best!
Thank you, that was quiet extensive and insightful! I'd for sure have to take care with that system to make it simple and fun. I was having in mind to try out all sorts of combinations to find new items.
Keeping crafts simple and avoiding having to make items in bulk at any point sounds good. Also keeping items on the ground better apart from one another is great!