Bad Demo.
I came for smut.
There was no smut.
There is no setting to enable that in the options.
Game has sanity drop waaaaay too freaking fast - can barely interact with the plushie fast enough to get a full bar of sanity.
Your character will be panting in fear before you finish panning the camera on a single room.
And second night is just full of lose, lose, lose, lose. And no smut to break the monotony.
Seriously, felt like a waste of my time and left me rather irritated. I like games where you feel torn - do I lose to experience a nifty lose scene? Or do I try hard to win? THis game with the bad sanity meter, and the dogpile of poorly explained things on the second night, sucks.
I can't even go into a gallery or encyclopedia to learn what's going on.
So, in finality:
No story.
No Smut.
Irritating (or broken!) sanity mechanic
You play this game, you're just spamming minigame after minigame with no cookies.