Final edit: I hate math, too. In fact, math nearly gives me a coronary. Here's a PEMDAS calculator:
If it answers "undefined", reload a new equation from The Funny prompt in settings and try again. One of them is bound to have a predefined 2-digit value as an answer.
That being said, there are some bugs that need addressing. I haven't tested EVERYTHING, but here's some of the most notable so far:
1) Hashcode submission is buggy right now. To keep it simple and prevent the need to constantly exit and reload:
* Avoid saving right after generating hashcodes from satellites
* Keep pages out of your inventory/storage and in your hand
* Drop page where needed and save only after having placed the page onto the package you intend to send out
Placing them into storage or erratically saving seems to soft "erase" or reset hashcodes somewhere in the game's code.
2) Base lights are flickering a LOT. Like, every minute or two.
3) Anything in player inventory on a prior build will vanish. Place on-person belongings into storage containers before playing this update with a save from a previous build.
4) Daylight will bleed into the corners and walls inside the base and internal structures where they shouldn't.
5) Kerfus now has the intellect of a cinderblock but the reflexes of an Olympian. The navmesh is so shot he got onto my roof and now won't do anything but run circles in my garage.
6) Base power in tr.check isn't being tracked properly. I previously noted how I believed base power was depleting very slowly, but this was not the case. My power was cut off mere moments after performing a tr.check that registered all three transformers above 80 cycles.
7) All Kollaks are 1x1. Save your points.
8) Some default props keep duplicating, such as books in the garage, benches the player moves, and general trash around the map. I think it has something to do with consistently saving and reloading outside of the base, though it's difficult to tell because it happens sporadically.