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(1 edit) (-40)

Im sorry to inform you, but you completely missed the point, I said nothing about gay people not being around and they are a new thing, I said it's starting become more accepted in today's society, not, "Gay people are the new hot thing, and we should stop this new trend before we all die!" and if you read my comment that way, you are illiterate, and the uneducated one here, and it's pathetic you shared a reply on my comment when you didn't even read it properly.


why are you upset? LGBTQ is shit. There. We said it. Nah, I'm kidders. If you really hate LGBTQ then pretend it doesn't exist. I don't understand who started this convo on the lgbt for this is a sweet game about love between two women. Nothing more, nothing less. This is the wrong place to start a conversation about why you dislike the LGBTQ community. Do that on twitter or something.


This is literally the only comment that got through to me in any way, and makes sense, all you others trying to make me accept LGBTQ, are just fueling my hate for it


dont comment on it if you dont like it?? common sense 

(5 edits) (+10)(-1)

LGBTQ+ people have been here like.. forever, there were many terms and names given to them, as well as the fact that some transgender people in multiple different tribes were reverred for ''knowing the secrets of both genders''. Your argument proves nothing, so please at least try to do more research on this topic before outrightly hating and commenting down on a WLW game which I might add, might be some of the only few games with WLW representation that doesn't make it inherently sexual. Besides, whenever any one of you homophobic fuckers started going after LGBTQ+ ppl in history, we just camouflaged into society to attract less attention. We have always been here, you were just never properly educated on the history of Queer people because school doesn't teach us enough about topics like this.

Another thing... men don't need testosterone to fight. Women with plenty of estrogen fight in the military, and they do just fine. Stop associating testosterone with masculinity. It's just a sex chemical that is produced by men, or people who used to be male and have now converted to one of the other different sorts of diverse genders present today. There is no study that proves that through male-to-male sex testosterone drops. this is simply misinformation.

Does that give you enough insight on a sensitive topic like this? /gen



Kay sorry not my drama, but- 

You have no room to call someone "uneducated"  with grammar like that...