Update #1
After the first week of coding I am quite happy how this turned out so far! Here is some in-game footage:
Finally, I could use the smooth camera system I wrote years ago in an actual project! I had to port it to an EntitySystem for Ashley though.
Box2D, naturally. The aliens use simple circle shapes for collision detection, the planet has one as well. I am using collision filtering to keep the aliens from colliding.
The movement of the aliens is built using gdxAI's Steering Behaviors. The currently active alien uses Arrive to follow the touch/click position, the inactive aliens use Arrive to follow the active alien while simultaneously using Flee to keep them away from each other:
Alien switching
Just a simple scale animation, but good enough for now.
Demo: https://gfycat.com/BabyishTenderDwarfrabbit
The Planet
For now, there is one planet with 8 settlements on it. The settlements continuously produce the "Humans" resource, which can be harvested by the blue alien. There is a maximum number of humans per settlement though. The settlements can be upgraded by giving them "Energy" using the yellow alien. An upgraded settlement produces humans at a higher rate, but further upgrades require more energy. Her are the sprites I currently use for the settlements:
Alien abilities
Yellow alien: Give energy - implemented, but needs some kind of visual effect
Blue alien: Abduct humans - implemented, but also needs a visual effect
Red alien: Laser Beam - TODO
That is all for now, see you all at the next update!