i think the weapon maker is a little limited i have a couple ideas for some cool stuff to do with it though:
1. the art is challenging and limiting, maybe some kind of pixel art or simple hand drawing thing?
2. the choices of projectiles is very limited and doesnt allow for many unique things that are in the base game already, i think a projectile creator and more base templates for things similar to hot water/ crucible Etc.
3. You can not use a sprite that stays still and fires its own projectile, make it so you can have your weapon spawn a projectile and stay still, like the railgun
4. you cannot make something like the magic wand with randomly spawning projectiles, make some kind of thing where you can select a number of projectiles and it will pick one of them
do keep in mind i am pretty new to the weapon maker so some of these things might be possible but at the very least theyre not easy or obvious
i also do understand making a game is hard so dont stress yoursel(f/ves) to much
still very good game with cute art and a unique concept thats all i have for now though ill follow up if i get more ideas