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There's nothing precise about parries really, both time and range is really generous so I don't exactly understand. As long as you don't spam and keep moving it's a safe strat. The bulkiness of turrets and boxes comes down to kicking or getting closer in general, but it's a cool idea to make them look stronger (even if you can actually one-shot them).

Ledge grab and jump merging is not an option, as those are completely in conflict with the intent of the player - imagine grabbing a ledge instead of parrying by accident.

-turret energy bullets blocking your own bullets is bs

I got that a lot in the first demo, though from my perspective it makes the battlefield more dynamic. Staying on the ground both forces you to move around because of the shells and the projectiles deter you from the pitfall of trying to snipe things.

-Aesthetics, I don't know with what devil you made a deal to have your art skills, but I want in

It's an exclusive contract.

Thanks for the feedback. I think once I pump out levels with less steep difficulty curve it should eventually click.