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(1 edit)

Hello! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I appreciate your interest in our game and your kind words! 😊

You’re absolutely right; the pricing on Amazon UK does seem a bit unusual. We’ve double-checked the pricing and our royalty, and it appears that everything is correctly set. However, we understand your concern, and we’ll investigate this issue further to ensure everything is in order.

Here are the links to both versions for your convenience: [Standard Print ](Hello! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I appreciate your interest in our game and your kind words! 😊

You’re absolutely right; the pricing on Amazon UK does seem a bit unusual. We’ve double-checked the pricing and our royalty, and it appears that everything is correctly set. However, we understand your concern, and we’ll investigate this issue further to ensure everything is in order.

Here are the links to both versions for your convenience: Standard Print Premium Print

Thanks! going to go for Premium, but I'm sure it'll look great even if Amazon make a mistake.