I already did what about the others
You click the clock, when the cat jumps down click the toilet. Open the window and turn on the lamp. Plug in the fan and turn it to knock down catnip and turn on the TV, using the remote to get it to the baking channel. Then click the toilet paper, when the cat bats it click the toilet again. He will knock over the knitting basket, click the yarn then the toy mouse. Make him bat down the towel, turn on sink until flooding. Click the broken heart decoration on the ceiling and feed the fish, turn on the stove top below the saucepan, and switch the TV to the lion. Turn the fan again and done! :)
The lamp was for the fly. The black cat's destination is to the kitchen. The 2 other cats may block your path but they CAN be overcome. Once you've passed the 2 obstacle kitties, turn the tv channel to the Lion one. Now most is on set for your black cat's mission in the kitchen. The rest you can figure out.