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-Abysmal tutorial section (borderline dogshit) - the player is forced to go back just to read messages in a game about going fast because said messages are physical objects that you can zoom past. The amount of text in those tutorials is also so fucking verbose. Here's a tip for every part of the tutorial, free of charge:
1."WASD to move, SPACE to jump"
2."Press SPACE midair to double jump"
(Why doesn't the game tell you about the speed increase after you land from a jump???)
3."Left click for grappling hook"
(What the FUCK is wrong with grappling hook followup explanation appearing so late that you can only see it when you're close to the edge of the platform?)
4. You should let the player experiment with the "blue crosshair = can grapple" mechanic by placing something like 2 walls nearby instead of overhead platform
5. And at least let the player cancel it, but that's less of a tutorial and more of a gameplay issue
6. You should warn the player that grappling hook resets double jump (?)
7.The refill for dash/grappling hook mechanic should refill your resources whenever you are in contact with the ground, not at the moment of you touching it. The current system means that if you dash on a flat plane, you then have to jump in place like a retard to refill it

-Why the hell can't you dash in midair and only towards an object? Why don't you explain that the same "blue crosshair" rule apply to dash as well as grappling hook?
-I am actually seething. At this point just let the player figure out controls on their own by putting them in a safe "playground" kind of space with controls written on a wall
-Dashing in place on a flat surface gives you a small boost after immediately killing your momentum if you don't pre-jump. Why not make the player slide if they use a dash out of idle stance?
-Why is it never stated that you can adjust your sliding direction based on where you mouse is looking?
-Why don't you always get your grapple/dash charge back if you dash towards a surface? Doesn't that count as touching it? Sometimes you get a refill, sometimes you don't
-The game suddenly introduces walls that can't be dashed towards on level 2 without explaining how that works. Is it because grappling hook actually feels like shit to use and you wanted to find a way to make it viable? Because I assure you - hook feels like a crutch and more of a hinderance most of the time. Why would you use it when it shares the same distance with dash and works worse due to retaining some inertia momentum is beyond me. Seems like a late addition that wasn't thought out
-Game philosophy seems to boil do to "you play the level my way or no way at all", with usually only 1 solution to a particular hazard and only 1 road you can take. A blasphemy in a game that looks like it's about free-running at a high speed
-Game also suffers from the fact that you will almost never be able to S rank a stage first try due to hazards appearing out of nowhere
-Rails going into water because fuck you i guess - very cool
-Red buildings being dangerous (not documented anywhere until you bump into one) - also very cool
-Genuinely gave up on level 8 (?) with the massive tower because it's just a corridor with minimal room for speed adjustments
-Can't check what are the times for each grade, per level. You have to rely on trial and error to find out what's the ballpark for "S" or "A" rank
-Certain checkpoints exist just to screw you over, kinda defeating the purpose
-Pickup range on cassette tape seems to fuck with the player on occasion
-Map editor is a nice addition, but there is no guide on how to use.

-Good visuals, no idea why you would use a filter to crunch up everything around
-White concrete texture look like ass, I think it would be better to have grey and red ones only. If you want to add the sense of speed while sliding, you can dot the grey textures with crosses, kinda like HL2 map editor cubes
-Why can't you track the next cassette active tape when it's outside of your FOV? Just make it like, I dunno, a cassette icon at the edge of your screen with an arrow pointing towards it so the player would know that it's somewhere "to the right", for example. It really ruins the flow

-Was expecting more of a JSR OST, got a CS surf map ambience instead. Not bad, really, but nothing to write home about. Otherwise SFX are minimalistic, but neat. Probably one of the game's highlights

The game looked better on webms and gave an illusion of freedom that the demo is completely devoid of. I think the latter isn't that bad as long as you can distract the player from it, but there isn't really much to get distracted with. Very good foundation and amazing feeling of speed when things go right, but so far very lackluster execution with sometimes questionable level design. I felt like I was treated like a baby the entire time and never got a proper chance to play the way I wanted. The biggest crime is that this demo doesn't have a dedicated level to just have fun and run around.

Here's a link to some gameplay recording


Hey! The criticism for the tutorial is really helpful, as we’re planning to completely redo it. We’ll keep your criticisms in mind. As for your problems with the dashing & charge/meter system, it’s been changed so it charges passively (with bonuses while rail grinding and being grounded) rather than charging once when you land/wallrun/rail grind. Red buildings being dangerous was documented in the tutorial, but it wasn’t conveyed well. Checkpoints are being discussed, and they’ll see a change. As for the ranking system, it is somewhat weird & opaque, so it’ll be changed in some capacity. Again, thank you for playing the game! All of this is really great feedback, so thank you!