Thanks for all the questions lol. I'll answer a few of them:
- Can you elaborate on why `WASD` and `IJKL` feel wrong to you? If you hold them they do the cardinal directions, and tapping them will step you in 15 degree increments towards the intention. What would feel more natural to you?
- There will be simultaneous levels and timing based levels, I will be working through some timers and button/gate interactions to encourage simultaneous golfing as the game progresses. So a WASD / QE to switch wouldn't probably work
- There will be scoring introduced, either by finishing the level quickly, picking up coins, or some combination of things. I'll also make the hills like a conveyer belt, I need to polish a lot of things.
Thanks again for the questions, really. It's super helpful in getting me to narrow down what ideas of mine are fun, what are stupid. Thank you again!!!