wah wah I can't read T__T
^ that's you. next time, read the descriptions, and don't start games without reading what they're about :) 0 sympathy for people like you.
i can read, thanks. i wouldn't have been upset by the game at all if there were a REAL warning. when i downloaded the game, the description said nothing about what the content in the game was. this is the old "disclaimer" that was in the description when i read it before downloading the game.
DISCLAIMER: This experience contains elements that involve sensitive and disturbing subject matter. It may be unsettling to some players. Individuals who find disturbing content distressing are advised to refrain from playing. Do not take this lightly.
i would've been perfectly fine as i am with most horror/"disturbing" content if i had known the subject matter beforehand, since i would've known what to expect and what i was getting myself into playing. real trigger warnings need to be actually normalized. that vague of a description can be very harmful to people suffering from traumas relating to sa.
and the fact that you're saying "0 sympathy" towards someone who is upset by content about sexual assault (again, that i had no clue thats what this game was about as the disclaimer did not mention it/wasn't edited when i downloaded) says a lot about you, not in a good way at all.