It's adorable and chukleworthy.
The art style is great.
As for controls they are very solid. I'm not sure I like the slow acceleration the game has, but it kinda works when you need precision while walking on the fences. Jumping while hugging a wall is weird, as it quickly triggers wall grab but I wish it would allow me to perform a ledge grab instead without having to back off first. You could boost friction on landing because right now landing on a fence will usually make you fall off due to minor momentum. Played with mouse and keyboard and I'm not knowledgeable about 3d platformers, but I don't like the way camera turns while walking to the sides/diagonally (and it doesn't happen while walking back) - can't just walk around while keeping camera focused on some object or direction comfortably.
Mouse sensitivity needs to be in the settings.
Pretty good tech demo overall. Project BS when?