Hey thanks for the review it helps me in my game dev path a lot and it is good to know someone played a game I made.
This game was something that I had to make to get out of my comfort zone and learn new things and I did learn a lot with the help of a great artist.
I am aware that the game is not the best out there and has many problems but for something that can make me start my serious game dev path, it helped me a lot because of the lack of funds and time I had to finish it up and move on to another project I am doing with a small team. I am trying to collect enough money to make my dream games come true and it may take some time. I hope you will be completely satisfied by the games I publish in the future.
I am thankful for everything you said and would consider all of them if I ever try to return to this game and improve it.
It feels great knowing that someone put time into reviewing my game. I am glad and hope to make a wonderful game as soon as I have enough budget.