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(1 edit)

After recently restarting (ive played both the original and the first try of a remake) a few suggestions if you care: (i played to act 3 of this remaster at the time of this review)

1. More save slots would be welcome. As most other RPGs have them, it shouldnt be too much work

2. Show enemy health pools. Not seeing them is incredibly frustrating.

3. Maybe make the enemy health-pools a little smaller. Fights tend to drag pretty long (often unnessecary) and get very repetetive. I had several fights where i myself got only 1-20 damage every round while dealing 450-500. Stats show im clearly much stronger, but it still takes a lot of time.

3.1. Alternatively you could give us a Cheat-Attack to be toggled at will

4. Maybe include a hint about the trap-door in the hideout. i searched for ages as it wasnt included in the previous games

5. Maybe put a warning in, that missing secondary bosses might result in not seeing specific Scenes

6. The exp system seems a bit strange, if not intransparent. You clearly need more exp per Level, but do the points slain foes give, decline the higher you are in level?

And why does a demon give about 7exp while a rat gives almost the same with 5? keep in mind the rats come in 4s. Meaning the much harder demon gives 7exp. The Rat group in the first dungeon 20exp.

7. I do like that gear has a big effect on the stats and fights (at least it felt like). But one might want to warn about that, as it often plays only a minor role in other games.


Chapter 2: Succubus: Tackle doesnt cancel the summonning attack even if the stun-symbol is shown.