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The hell kind of stuff are you on? The world isn't going to end because LGBTQ+ is becoming more popular and known around the world. At most, the world is going to end because of either some natural event or world war of some sorts, not queer people. I could go on about this kind of bullcrap, but it's pretty well known that you're just homophobic and have been taught by Roblox TikToks telling you to "Love Jesus" and "Like and Subscribe if you hate gay people" or whatever nonsense you have gotten this information from. Being in the LGBTQ+ community is not a bad thing, and is actually becoming more socially acceptable, but with dipshits like you, that's just putting more hate onto people in the LGBTQ+ community than they already get. It doesn't matter if there's gay men in the military, it really doesn't. No matter if a man is gay, they still are masculine in some way, shape or form, so I'd at least do some damn research in your life because either you're some middle or high school kid who is just hating for no given reason, or some adult in their late 20s, early 30s with a high school degree working at a job paying minimum wage. There's also women who fight in the military too, it's not just a men's thing to do, so I'd look into that as well. 

One other thing, the fact that you're going onto, going to a WLW game, and complaining about this is completely childish and immature. So grow up, or complain to your mom who is in debt because you keep asking for money so you can even have a housing space to live in with water, food, and electricity.