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Great game and kinda creepy when I hear the music and know that Hansel already passed away. Poor Hansel :-(. But i kinda confuse on the feerris wheel. I don't know I can interact with my mouse to choose I, II and III when the first time playing. It is kinda weird to use SPACE for interact. I suggest to use ENTER instead for interact, guys. I think it is better because mouse is rarely used in this game, right? Overall, good job and good luck Dev for making this game~ :-D


You can change your settings, actually. In the place where you see souvenirs, you can go one step back and do stuff. I'll throw in photos for more clarity. (It's above 6 MB and I have to compress images so)

wow!!! Thank you for your explanation Mike :-D

Of course, no problem--hope all the big issues are clear for you (and you got to play the full demo)!