I just want to say that I really enjoyed playing your game. It was really fun! It was really well made and I look forward to your future projects! So I have a theory about the game.....
I feel like that the interaction of the cat with the protagonist symbolizes what a toxic/abusive relationship is like. The cat sounded really possessive of the protagonist, never wanting them to leave them, to always be with them, just like how one being in a toxic relationship is like.
At the endgame endings, it was hinted that the protagonist had a rough childhood, suffering abuse from their parents and never got their love. This might be the reason why they probably suffer from depression and anxiety as they're growing up. So, because of this, they yearned to be loved and cared for, something they never experienced in their childhood. Therefore, when they left home (or were kicked out) they met this person and for once, felt content that they could finally experience the love they always yearned for. And to be needed as well. But, in time, I think that person took advantage of the protagonist's situation, thus the manipulation, gaslighting and guilt-tripping started, knowing full well that they would never leave them and needs their love. Also, I think because of this toxic relationship, it's why the protagonist never had friends anymore. It is what the person wanted, for them to be alone so that they'll be always theirs.
Even at the end, when the protagonist escapes from the cat, you can hear the cat pleading for them to stay, that they'll die without them. The protagonist finally had enough of this abusive relationship, so they ended it and so the person resorts to begging, promising them they would never hurt them again. It's a case that happens a lot in these toxic relationships.
But the protagonist persisted and finally broke free from their chains. They are slowly moving on from their past relationship, and with baby steps, they even made friends so they are hopeful of what their future lies for them. (Also with the help of that cute kitten!)
I might be looking to0 deep into this but that's my theory hehe :)