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I had a very rocky start and even after hours of playtime I didn't really get much to see or do, probably because of my navigational quirks making me do detours.

Pressing escape on Gameplay settings doesn't close the menu and it unpauses the game.

Starting area has too much visual noise going on. I had no idea how to get out of there and had to do extremely janky jumps. Was I supposed to use movement augumentation for this without any hint?

I couldn't figure out how to play the cassette at first because I'm dumb. Cassette should just autoequip by doing the intuitive thing - placing it onto the cassette player. It would be cool to have subtitles because I can't hear shit.

Once you equipped a cassette (or some other items) it's very easy to accidentally throw it out. I don't think I'm finding this one ever again.

Got softlocked once behind a tv in the starting area.

Starting area ambient nosie is a bit annoying. It's not something to play when player is trying to focus on learning lots of new information. Similar thing applies to the light blinking.

Dialogue with choices window is a bit wonky, when there's a bit too much text it immediately scrolls before you get to read it (even though there should be enough space not to add any scrolling at all due to very little options).

Normal dialogue window sometimes quickly fades out automatically before you get to read it.

Shouldn't aug menu allow me not to use anything once opened?

Several times loading took off all the implants worn from equipment.

Sometimes aug sprites in aug menu render twice (especially visible when you changed from 2 active to 3 augs and both versions are displayed).

I used camouflage until energy drained, later energy was constantly draining without any augs turned on, and a large battery alone was not enough to recover any (probably got into negative value range).

Once loading after falling to death left buzzing sinusoid noise until rerunning the game completely. Same happens with train noises but completely permanent this time.

Putting suppressor on Mosin will no longer let it fit in the inventory horizontally and I didn't know how to rotate (without putting into a hotslot). Better show controls for inventory tetris on screen if there are any.

Later somehow the Mosin got fucked up and turned into a way smaller item (~5 grid tiles) without a sprite.

It's easy to drop on the ground whatever you are trying to equip and it's easy to do since cursor and UI doesn't align well. The misalignments make all equipment management awkward in general.

Equipment tetris is a bit overwhelming due to the tiny tiles, but grabbing and dropping items between UI and world is great. It could make better use of the screen for that case like SS2 does.

Once I got attacked by Filemon by getting too close to him, after loading I couldn't talk to anyone and Filemon started walking to the position where you first talk to him.

I couldn't talk even to named subculturists, I'm not sure if this is intentional.

Those are the jankiest ladders ever, but at least they are not as lethal as in some other games.

Hacking is ridiculous, it even makes you look like a hollywood movie hacker irl.

The only serious problem is that I wish the world scale would be at least 2 times smaller to match the content/interactive object density. Unlocking shortcuts is great but it doesn't help much when I still have to run several minutes up and down the stairs each time. It's hard to navigate and I can go for a very long time without finding anything except a few enemies. Many environments don't look like they are for human use, like planetarium not even having a locked gate from the top (and I don't think I would ever be able to find the normal entrance). It would make for an amazing Blame! game though with this design and some over the top tools and augumentations. For the record I'm a Metroid-fag though so I'm very picky about exploring.

The resources are very limited so far, so it doesn't help with experimenting especially considering the energy drain on some augs. Even the default aug energy drain can be painful as those are basic for exploring considering how large and dark the world is - I wish it did the Dishonored thing. I didn't play this genre for like 10 years but I don't ever remember having early game troubles because those ease you in into the gameplay flow by pulling you into a short vertical slice of the game first. This would communicate faster how stingy should I be with resources, and how much outside the box platforming and savescumming is to be expected, and what is the intended way of navigating the world.

Having a melee option would be nice as a last resort.

I'm calling quits at the cyborg, as I can't see myself bringing her all that way back.