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Can confirm that this worked.

1) It's pretty cool that you can still dodge projectiles even when pinned into a corner, by pressing the direction and the dodge frames still being active even though you get bumped back.

2) When it comes down to just you and the eyes it can just become a waiting game until you hit the Action Phase, as they rarely approach the front.

3) Those guys with the staves/orbital lasers are the most annoying by far, which is great, since it gives you an enemy to prioritise. Though, almost like the opposite of the eye they have a habit of approaching the front line and getting shanked to oblivion.

Thank you so much for playing my game!

Regarding 1) it is completely intentional ;) I don't want players who got stuck because of bad luck to be completely out of options to dodge

The enemy AI definitely could use some more improvement. Although, I didn't really have much time because my thesis' deadline was coming close, so I just made them move around at random

I'm glad you enjoyed the game!