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So it seems others were able to go look for weapons, i wonder how since i was moving so slow i could at the furthest get to see a bow before diying, rolling did nothing but an animation, spamming the enemy with bare fist would in some condition, kind of block the attacks ? as long as i wasn't moving nor that i stopped spamming i wouldn't get killed.

Now the graphics are really cool, though you should keep in mind that this is a game jam about game design, hence judging gameplay way more than musics, sound effects (which by the way kill the audio when i spam), or visual style (except if any of those are part of the gameplay of course).

Problem here for me is that i can't even try any weapons as reaching them is impossible, i can't run away from the monster as he runs way faster than me, can't hit it though he would kill with great ease. Tested on both chrome and firefox, both were the same i just couldn't move more than 6 tiles before ending up dead. Got only one thing to do : keep dying (maybe that's the plot twist and nobody saw it coming).

Also after several restart the character wouldn't respawn and the game was blocked