I really liked this game! it's got quite an interesting mechanic. I love the aestethic, the rain, the effects! I got a few gripes just:
-Those jaw-worm things take WAY too long to come back, specially in the levels that have them going through all the stage. It can get quite frustrating, specially if you die a couple times.
-A lil bit too much screenshake, specially at the end there, when there were too many enemies. Juuust a lil bit overboard. Still, good! Not many games here have screenshake, surpriging considering how easy it is to add, haha. Juice!
-The last level starts you right on the action, which is kinda bad for this kind of puzzly, more thoughtful game. Let us breath and check the surroundings!
That's it. Quite liked it! Hope you improve on this, it's quite awesome!