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I played through it twice trying to find all the endings. The game is incredible! Respect to the developer and neural networks!

There are the following comments and suggestions:

- Mukbanger gets fat very easily, but Lilly, on the contrary, is difficult to fatten due to the long purchase of ingredients.

- Sometimes, when you drink coffee, an event occurs with a part-time job, you could put an energy multiplier on money so that you work longer, or give this hour for after-work hours.

- I also found a problem with the amount of food. In your inventory, you can eat 2-3 plates at any weight. (I think the developer has not yet worked on these branches, there is really a lot of work)

- I would also like a picture of the main character’s staffing at the event with Stephanie Feeding session.

This game is worthy of a BAFTA award...


One more thing.

Random in “go for a walk” is often duplicated, or does not give what you need. It would be possible to divide this button into functions:

Go to Park:

- Take a walk: Meet Beth or future characters;

- Go to the hot dog stand;

- Go to the fountain.

Explore the city: search for new establishments.