"On the point of the slime jump timing could you elaborate? "
Sure thing! They're on a timer, but because they pause it's hard to tell when they're going to start jumping again. So I can count a second in my head, but if I count 0.9 seconds or 1.1 seconds then I just run straight into the slime, or jump right over it. If it maybe squished a bit half a second before jumping to telegraph the upcoming jump.
Mario 3D World deals with this by putting it into the music, with the beeps signalling that things are going to change and a colour pulse as well. Without that I think those levels would be next to impossible.
I actually found getting the timing right easier on Shooty Bois because of the laser pulse, I knew every second pulse the slime would jump so could prepare. Without that consistent timing for me to get in sync with, it just felt like random chance whether the timing would be right.
It sounds like you already knew a lot of these things already, and have improved it which is good to hear! I'll play it after the jam when you update it, because I'd love to complete it. You also solved the design challenge that we didn't in our game with the multiple abilities. We ended up going multiple characters but you found a way to make it work with "only one" character still.
- Joe