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I am not sure how usefull that information would actually be.

You can visit the Steam page for their download data worldwide. They have a nice chart that has glow points on a global map. 

you need to click on satellite view. This at least tells you where many people live that have gaming computers.

While itch infrastructure is somewhat translated, game pages are not. So you can assume that most customers here understand enough internet english to cope.

Let us look at movies. On the US market. Would they prefer foreign movies spoken in English? Probably. But how does the reality look like? Foreign movies are released with subtitles. Why so? Because there is no big localization industry. Why should there? Hollywood produces in English ready to go. They use actual actors to voice animation. Now switch to non-english countries. There usually is some kind of business sector that specializes in translating and voicing foreign stuff, including English. Those can be so good that they surpass mediocre originals, so the localized version is actually better in quality. And they use not actors that speak, but voice actors.

What I am trying to say, rather complicated and wordy: it depends.

How good will the translation be. How good will the voice acting be? Also, this is games, is the voiceover needed at all for the game play? Is it important? Will the game be better with it, more accessible?

In the early days of video games, voice was horrible, as they did not use voice actors. As budgets grew, games got voiced same as animation movies.

So, what are you talking about? AI voice overs, translated by AI as well? Maybe go with subbing. I somehow doubt you are talking about professional voicing in separate languages for an indie game. Not even AAA games do that very often.

As for the languages themselves, it should be the same distribution as native speakers. Adjusted for the markets you plan to release to. You can also look at some popular games, if and what languages they are localized to, and why.

Well you make great points and I really appreciate the comparisons and growth of the industry!

For me, personally on this project, there isn’t any voice dialogue at the moment but in the new year I would be heading that way (by a lot too, a narration type of dialogue).

But it would be too costly to translate the narration, so I would utilise my subtitles feature to translate all text/voice that way! 

You’ve given me a lot of food for thought so I’m definitely going to sit with it for a couple of days. 

Thank you 🙏🏽