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(3 edits)

Hmm, that's weird, it should work. If you open the files in, say, image editor, do you get corrupted images or see the pictures properly? Because if you see the pictures properly, then git lfs is not the issue, but something else.

If you have all the required tools installed, the list of command should be the following:

git clone
cd one-last-adventure
make server

You can check that git-lfs is installed properly by typing " git-lfs " to the terminal. If it says the command is not recognized, then git-lfs is not installed properly.

Then you should just open the browser and type localhost:8000. It might be needed to open the web console and disable cache in "Network" tab.

Speaking of the web console, if you open the web console (Ctr+Alt+I), do you get some errors? If you only see the white bar, it should mean that some files failed to load. Other option is that you have incorrect version of node-js installed and TypeScript compiler produces faulty js code (very unlikely, though).

(2 edits)

Hey! I dunno what I was doing wrong but I nuked everything I had
and started with the simple git clone you had and it is working now!

Thank you!!! Now I get to enjoy playing this locally! 8)

P.S. - Is there an easy way to rebind keys? I haven't looked at the source
yet, I imagine it can be done that way but I thought I'd ask. Also that would
be a great feature for future revisions. 8)

(1 edit)

Well, you can rebind the keys by editing src/main.ts. Having an in-game support for rebinding the keys would be great, but it is also very painful to implement, so I usually don't add it to my games.