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Allright, so I know there's gonna be a lot of kneejerk reactions, cause getting nerfed/losing progress doesn't ever feel great. Many changes might feel out of place, even though if things were how they are currently from the get go - people wouldn't mind (as much). And I know that it can be disheartening reading through all that criticism while trying to make the game you want to make and putting in work (and for free no less). But, maaaaan, I just really got to put my 2 cents.

 I'd really like you to reconsider the grow timers for the farm. Village materials losing 20-30% production, smeltery timers changing to x5 value, treasures getting nerfed - all those feel annoying but ultimately it just means that I have to check in those tabs less often, which I guess is the intent. The timers on some crops mean that I can go on a drunken blender, wake up in a neighbour city with a kidney missing, take a humiliating bus ride home - and my rice still won't be ready for harvest. I felt like 30 hours was already pushing it, even with the prenerf sprinkler cutting it in half. 72 hours is just baffling: it isn't just regular idle anymore, it's retirement home dementia idle.

Don't take it the wrong way - I think your game is pretty neat, I like it. I just also like the lizard brain dopamine injection I get from numbers going up after opening the game tab after a long period of absence. I just consider that period to be in line of coming home after work or waking up or just doing somehing else for a couple of hours. Not 3 days


I don't know how far you are in village, but that 20-30% reduction is only for the base production of them.  There are later upgrades to production for a lot of materials that got hit super hard, meaning plant fiber/wood/stone production is somewhere around 10% of what it was pre patch in the later game. (each of those is boosted by two upgrades that got changed from being multiplicative with themselves to additive, and those upgrades got hit to something like 33% of their previous effectiveness at max level).  My gold income took around a 38% hit.  I don't remember what glass/metal/hardwood/gems were at pre patch, but those got hit pretty significantly too.

And late game (around tier 4 buildings unlocked) in village already had material storage ballooning much much much faster than material production.  And buildings unlock that need those large material storages to build.

I was under the impression that base production is the same and upgrades changing from multiplicative to addictive is what results in declared production loss. Atleast if you hover over farmer it still says that he gives you 2 base plant fiber just like it used to before patch (I think). And the timer to fill to full capacity seem to be in line with those numbers. I did also lose a ton of gold gain but I assume it has to do with merchant treasures getting nerfed (I have 2 of those). But might be I'm completely wrong, I haven't checked it in great detail. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Things in the village being at 10-20% of what they were before line up pretty well with me too. It is really really slow.